
North Cobb Christian School feels


We hear these words continually from parents and students alike. From our founding in 1983 by a few faithful families to today’s thriving student body of over 1,250 learners from K3 through 12th grade on our expansive 55-acre private Christian school campus in Kennesaw, Georgia, NCCS has stayed true to our calling of teaching biblical truth in a uniquely nurturing environment.

The Vision of NCCS


NCCS isn't just a school. It's family.

The top comment we receive from students and parents is that NCCS “feels like home.” This isn’t coincidental. We intentionally cultivate a culture of faith, support and love through small class sizes, programs where students discover their unique genius, and countless opportunities for students to bond and grow together -- from weekly chapel to retreats, and from peer mentoring to Spring Term trips. The bottomline: we are more than a school. We are a family.

NCCS At a Glance

Our children aren’t just taught -- they’re loved. We couldn’t ask for our kids to be surrounded by better mentors. NCCS Parent

Cultivating Hearts

Firm foundations of faith & identity. 

At NCCS, Jesus is the center, and that makes all the difference. We exist to lead students towards grace through faith in Jesus Christ. Additionally, we believe that if students discover their unique gifts and interests, they develop a strong sense of who God made them to be. With this sense of identity comes a great advantage: Our students know who they are … they know Whose they are … and they are empowered to live with purpose. 

The Vision of NCCS

I choose to teach at NCCS because, here, I have the gift of openly sharing my love for Jesus with my students.

NCCS Faculty 

Challenging Minds

Individualized education equates to incredible success.

NCCS’s unique, individualized approach develops students’ unique genius at our private school in Cobb County. We offer STEM/STEAM for preschool - 12th grade, on-campus dual enrollment, five NCCS Academies (magnet programs), extensive AP + honors, and innovative college counseling. We have a 100% graduation and college acceptance rate, including Harvard, Brown, Johns Hopkins, and hundreds more. Graduating classes earn ~$10 million in scholarships; over 30% of grads earn a 4.0 or higher.

Discover our Academic Divisions

Our daughter is absolutely thriving at college. Even better, she has a strong foundation of faith. NCCS Parent

Impacting Culture

At NCCS, we send our students out, and we invite the world in. 

Our students thrive through “global classroom” experiences that allow them to impact our world for Christ. Students in preschool through 12th grade participate in regular community service, from charities in our own backyard to global Spring Term missions trips. NCCS also houses a robust International Student Program, hosting students from around the globe who thrive amidst our beautifully diverse student body. 

Serving the community became a natural part of my life at NCCS. In serving, I gained much more than I gave. NCCS Alumni

It’s hard to explain, but the minute we walked in the doors of NCCS, it felt like home.
Our whole family has thrived within this precious school’s tight-knit community.

-NCCS Parent

Why We Love North Cobb Christian School (NCCS)

Synclair Savage



In addition to feeling like a family, what makes NCCS so special is how the teachers and coaches really encourage you to develop your talents and explore diverse interests. My schedule was set up so I had time for track, time for band, time for my classes, and time to be in the [spring] musical. Everyone here works with you to balance your schedule, so you can achieve everything you want to achieve. Synclair Savage, Alumni class of '20
Went on to break track+Field records at the University of South Carolina

The Turnboughs

Parents + Board Member


NCCS has been a tremendous partner in the training of our children, the reinforcement of godly character, and the development of academic, athletic, and artistic gifting. It has literally been a second home for our family. So much so, that upon graduation from college, Moriah has returned to NCCS to serve as a teacher and pour into others what she has gained. Then this year, the school opened its doors to our treasured niece, as well — another Turnbough under NCCS’s wings.
LaRonna + Otha Turnbough
Moriah (class of 2017), Otha IV (class of 2019), Rachel (class of 2021),
Sophia (class of 2023), Elizabeth (class of 2024), Jeremiah (class of 2025),
and cousin Haleigh (class of 2023).

The Watsons

Alumni Parents


More importantly than all the awards, statistics and honors is the fact that the WORD was poured into our sons day in and day out for their entire school career. NCCS faculty and staff demonstrated and taught the love of Christ, showed grace and mercy, guided, disciplined, and modeled the Christian life for my boys for the 17 years that we were privileged to be a part of the school. The Christ-focused mission of the school and the way that mission is carried out on a daily basis has made a huge impact on molding and shaping each Watson boy. We are eternally grateful for the lessons learned and the love received for the past two decades. Well done, NCCS!The watson family, Mark (class of 2017), Jake (class of 2019), and Nate (class of 2021)
Mark and Nate were valedictorians of their classes; Jake was salutatorian and STAR student (highest SAT score) of his. 




NCCS teachers are the cream of the crop. The lives of our children are radically different because of the impact their teachers have made on their hearts. They truly love Jesus with their whole hearts and love our children as if they were their very own. I don’t even have words to express how much this means to our family. Dean + Gabrielle Fung A Wing, NCCS ParentS

The Sillers

Parents + Faculty


I love the beautiful diversity at NCCS. We have had opportunities to welcome students from so many parts of the globe as part of our International Program. I love coming into the cafeteria and seeing a Chinese student sitting with Korean, Brazilian, and American students and watching them laugh with each other.Emily Siller, Upper School Counselor

Your NCCS Story Starts Here

Preschool + JK5

First educational steps. Firm foundations for life.

Our private Christian preschool program at NCCS is a magical, engaging experience that not only equips our students for kindergarten, but also taps into their natural curiosity and creativity. Our preschoolers gain an invaluable and lasting excitement for learning with a faith-based foundation. Students thrive through individualized instruction in a safe, loving environment where they are fully known and nurtured by certified teachers. 

View our Preschool Program

We could not have asked for a better preschool experience for our daughter. She grew academically by leaps and bounds and entered kindergarten ahead of the curve. Better yet, she was taught biblical truth and shown the love of God every day. NCCS Parent

Lower School

Immense discovery, curiosity, and spiritual formation.

At North Cobb Christian School, young learners from kindergarten through 4th grade thrive in a Christ-centered atmosphere designed to promote academic, spiritual, and social growth.

With nurturing teachers and exceptional learning resources, students develop strong foundations as they become well-rounded Christian leaders.

View our Lower School

At NCCS, our students are seen and known for who they really are. In Lower School, we tap into their unique gifts, giving them wings to soar into all God created them to be.

NCCS Lower School Principal Wendy Titus 

Middle School

A time of identity formation and critical spiritual exploration.

At North Cobb Christian School, we perceive adolescence as a time of immense potential — a time for expanded leadership, where students are given increased freedom and responsibility to pursue academic acuity and God-given gifts. Like springs finally released, we watch our students launch forward into all they were created to become. When adolescents are provided with a supportive, nurturing, innovative environment in which to grow and learn, amazing things ensue. For our students, the result is an unshakeable foundation of faith and identity. 

View our Middle School

Students in fifth through eighth grades are going through a key time of faith development and identity expression. My heart for our NCCS students is that each one would have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, would take ownership of their faith, and would grow in their understanding of God's purpose for their lives -- ultimately developing into young adults of character who are equipped to lead and serve their school, communities, and nation.

Brandon Ewing, Middle School Principal

Upper School

Maximizing the prime years of influence, developing students into world influencers

Students spend more than 700 days in school over the course of their four years in high school. Those influences shape who your child will become. At NCCS, our faculty and staff are the “living curriculum,” doing life alongside our students, influencing, mentoring, and molding them into mature Christian leaders. We believe that God has a specific purpose for each of our students, and we love having a front row seat as His plans unfold.

View our Upper School

The goal of the Upper School at NCCS is to cultivate deep thinkers who will sit at the table of influence in the communities where they will work, serve, and raise their families — for the glory of God.

NCCS Upper School Principal Megan Strange 

News + Stories

NCCS Students Travel the World During Spring Term 2025

Spring Term for NCCS Upper and Middle School students provides real-world opportunities to follow Jesus' command in Mark 16:15 to “go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation." This year, our 9th - 12th grade students were given 20 options encompassing international, domestic, and local mission trips, including Kenya, Peru, Belize, Dominican Republic, Costa Rica, Charleston, Nashville, Orlando, and Nevada/Arizona, as well as local teams who served throughout Georgia and Metro Atlanta. 

Read this year's BLOGS, and check out our galleries on Facebook!

Read More about NCCS Students Travel the World During Spring Term 2025
NCCS Student-designed App CTrack Wins National Congressional App Competition

Four North Cobb Christian School students, Kameron Fournillier, Jason Osborn, Nathan Stinson, and Jade Zebrowski, won first place in the 2024 Congressional App Challenge for their budget and finance-tracking app, CTrack. The Congressional App Challenge is the most prestigious national honor for student computer science. Their app, CTrack, was designed to help users track their monthly expenses and develop a budget to meet their needs.

Read More about NCCS Student-designed App CTrack Wins National Congressional App Competition
NCCS Baseball Coaches hold the GHSA Baseball State Championship sign.

Congratulations to Baseball Head Coach Jimmy Keane for being named COACH OF THE YEAR and to Baseball Assistant Coach Edgar Mercado for being named ASSISTANT COACH OF THE YEAR! 

Coach Keane led our Eagles in dominance at the State Championship this past season, but he is no stranger to winning titles. As a student at North Cobb Christian School, himself, Coach Keane (class of 2006) was instrumental in helping the Eagles clench the State title in 2006. In fact, current Assistant Coach Ryan Moore (also class of 2006) was also on that team, and current Assistant Coach Gil Navarro was one of the coaches in 2006, as well ...

Read More about NCCS Wins Baseball Head Coach and Assistant Coach Of The Year
Engineering Students

Our Engineering students won first place for Innovation in Service at the ACSI STEM Competition for the design and construction of a greenhouse for the Lower School STEAM Courtyard!

These students designed, built and installed a greenhouse to enable year-round study and productivity in the STEAM garden. They shared their designs with Mrs. Bare’s fourth-grade class, the custodians of the garden this year, and received student feedback. Their design

Read More about Engineering Class Wins First Place!
A NCCS class of students prays together.

Step inside … and welcome home.

At North Cobb Christian School, we are excited to open our doors and welcome all prospective families inside.

Set up a personal tour anytime: We invite you to reach out to our Admissions team at 770-975-0252, so that Beth Wright and Mandy Johnson can personally usher you into the NCCS experience. Call or email to set a up a personal tour around your schedule.


Read More about Interested in NCCS? Our Team Is Waiting!