K3 Specials

MUSIC | WEEKLYIn K3, students learn the basic foundations of music education, including rhythms to develop a sense of steady beat, simple melodies, musical opposites (e.g. high vs. low, fast vs. slow), creative movement and choreography. Repertoire for this class includes songs, fingerplays and rhymes as students differentiate between talking and singing. Themes include God and
the Bible, good character, and seasons and holidays. Students develop musical and performance skills through annual Grandparents Day, Christmas and a Spring Program. Students learn that music is a gift that they can use to worship God.
PE | WEEKLYStudents will develop a variety of basic movement skills and manipulative skills so they will experience success and feel comfortable during present and future physical activity pursuits. They will develop positive social skills and the ability to get along with others in movement environments. They will develop and maintain acceptable levels of physical fitness through
increased moderate and vigorous physical activity. Students will increase kinesthetic awareness and be more confident and safe movers. They will demonstrate improved problem solving and movement creativity while using a variety of manipulatives in many situations.
SPANISH | WEEKLYStudents will experience learning Spanish through playing games, singing songs and coloring theme activity pages; during which they become intrigued by the variety of Spanish activities presented! Students are introduced to greetings, colors, shapes, numerals 0 - 5, and some classroom objects. Students will have a well balanced exposure to and appreciation of
Hispanic and Latino culture.
ART | WEEKLYYoung artists in K3 are encouraged to appreciate this beautiful world that our Master Artist created for us through a wide exploration of art tools and techniques. Students will be experimenting with drawing, painting, printmaking, collage, and sculpture. Students will also be introduced to several famous artists throughout history as they begin to develop their own
unique style of making art.
READING ROOM | WEEKLYStudents experience an interactive read-aloud of a children’s book that supports chapel themes, seasonal topics, or learning objectives. They also have the opportunity to select and check out a book to take home with them for the week.

STEAM | WEEKLYIn STEAM at the K3 level, students engage in activities with the computer that explore math and graphic arts skills, 3D design, robotics, and hands-on STEAM exercises that strengthen cognitive reasoning skills and group collaborative skills. We celebrate each student's unique personality and gifts through Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math that stretch them artistically, academically, and cognitively.