NCCS Parent Guide

Welcome to the North Cobb Christian School Family!

Congratulations on becoming an NCCS Eagle ... we're so glad you're here!

This page is a quick reference guide for parents to find resources and answers to common questions once your student is enrolled. 

Reach out anytime

Quick Reference Department Contacts

Lower School Contacts

Middle School Contacts

Upper School Contacts

Helpful Links

In the top navigation bar on this site, you will find the "Helpful Links" section brimming with useful resources, including Summer + Back to School Info; Uniforms + Appearance Standards, NCCS Dining Services + My School Bucks, Common Forms, Payments + Finance, Morning Bus Shuttle, and Alumni Info

Four North Cobb Christian School graduates smiling after graduation.

New Parent FAQs

Full school policies can be found in the NCCS Family Handbook, which is located in the FACTS Family Portal

Stay Connected Through Flight Plan

Flight Plan is a school-wide e-newsletter that is sent out every single Friday during the school year. This is one of the THE most important communications tools at your fingertips, so subscribe and READ IT every week! It shares THE most important happenings in Lower, Middle and Upper School, as well as Arts, Athletics and MORE. 

Two Award winning artists smile with their work from this year.

Grades, Schedules, Magnus Health System

FACTS Family Portal is where you can find students schedules and grades. Login with District Code NC-GA. You can also find and update Family Contact Info, access FACTS Financial, find school resources like the handbook, and more. Magnus Health System, where all student health information is housed, is also accessed via FACTS > Student > Medical > Login to Magnus Health

Upcoming Events

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Flipside After School + Summer Camps

Find out  more details on NCCS's dynamic after-school program, called Flipside, plus seasonal after-school enrichment classes and workshops called Sidekicks.

Find out more details on NCCS's famous summer camps!

A group of kids from summer camp pose together for a photo at camp.

Upcoming Athletics Season + Tryouts

Find details on upcoming sports seasons, tryouts, coach contacts and more on our Athletic pages.

Athletics Events

Stay Connected on Social Media

    Get Involved

    Find more ways to get involved under Support + Connect! 

    Two NCCS kids smile with their mom on the first day of school.

    Campus Highlights