Retreat Blogs

Upper School Retreat | Day Two

US Retreat | Shocco Springs
Written by Megan Strange, Upper School Principal

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Thursday, August 8

The crew seemed to sleep pretty well, and we had a great turnout for breakfast. The kids were in good spirits and eager to start the day. Breakfast was awesome, and lots of kids got seconds! 

Then we grabbed our Bibles and headed out for morning quiet times. For many of our students, this is a consistent rhythm and for others it is new or developing. We love this chance to help our kids grow in Christ! They read a few short passages of Scripture and then interacted with some questions in quiet time alone with the Lord. Be sure to encourage your kids to try this at home if they aren't already.

The quiet times led us right into our Olympic games for the morning: Cheerio Relay Race and the Paper Airplane Battle. These competitions are far more exciting than whatever is going on in Paris. The kids are all in for their countries! 

After the games, we had a time of worship to focus our mind's attention and heart's affection on God, and then Ms. Lawler took the stage to speak on "Jesus is THE TRUTH." Our seniors had Ms. L for Bible last year, and they were cheering her on every step of the way!

Ms. L walked us through 17 short passages of Scripture in addition to John 14:6, all with the intent of helping us see that the WORLD says that truth is relative and subjective whereas the BIBLE says that TRUTH is absolute and eternal. The big idea is that God's truth is unchanging and His word is the ultimate standard and source of truth. Our time here at camp is designed to help kids understand what it means to walk in THE truth of Christ and the confidence they can find in Christ alone.

The session left us all with plenty to discuss and dig deeper into, so we dismissed into small groups for about 30 minutes before lunch. It was a sweet time as the kids were able to point to things that Mr. Gnann shared last night in "Jesus is THE WAY," as well as how they connected with Ms. L's message this morning. 

A student being prayed over at NCCS Fall Retreat

After small groups, we had lunch and headed to the fields for more Olympic games: relay races, capture the faculty, and single man dodgeball.  Lots of laughter and fierce competition!

After the games, we had a few hours of free time and the kids had a blast at the pool, lake, basketball, paintball fields, hanging with friends, visiting the coffeeshop, reading, playing games, and just...being kids. What a joy to hear their laughter and conversation. We are praying for and seeing many friendships growing and new ones beginning. Will you join us in praying that would continue in the days, weeks, and months ahead? We believe community and culture are two of the most unique gifts the Lord has given us at NCCS.

Everyone seemed to enjoy dinner after working up a big appetite over the afternoon. Then we headed to the worship center for evening games: New Testament Unscramble and the Pool Noodle relay...definitely a great way to warm up for the evening. The Kyle Edenfield Band led us in worship, and Mrs. Rupp brought the message tonight: "Jesus is THE LIFE."

Mrs. Rupp helped us to see that the only true and abundant life can be found in Jesus. Anything apart from Him will always be simply a shadow of the real thing...will look alive, but be dead on the inside. She challenged all of us to carefully evaluate what abundant life actually looks like in light of John 10:10, John 1:1-3, and Colossians 3:1-4 and she encouraged us towards these practical next steps: Know Him, Abide with Him, and Share Him.

Mrs. Rupp speaks at US Retreat.

We closed our our time with a clear gospel presentation, and many students chose to spend some time in further conversation and prayer while others enjoyed ice cream and a time of fellowship. We closed out the night with one of the most hilarious camp lip sync competitions that we can remember. Each country had to spin the wheel to get a song and then they had 1 minute to prepare their lip sync. It got late...but the laughs will not soon be forgotten!

Upper School Retreat

As I wrap this up, small group leaders are checking rooms and handing out retreat shirts. As the kids drift off to sleep tonight, we pray that they are carefully considering what it means to follow Jesus as THE WAY, THE TRUTH, and THE LIFE. 

Will you join us in praying for a strong finish and safe travels home tomorrow?

Let's Go Eagles!