Snowbird Blog

WEDNESDAYWritten by Summer Pendley, Upper School Staff

Blessed To Be A Blessing | Today’s service project had us staining baseboards, benches and picnic tables, as well as laying mulch and gathering river rocks to border the property. In six short weeks, Snowbird will begin its summer stretch, where 15,000 students from dozens of churches and school groups will visit campus for Bible teaching, discipleship and recreation. 

In the afternoon, while the large majority of the group continued a project on SWO’s campus, I accompanied four NCCS students (Turner Davis, Anna Marino, Gracie Swanson, and Sam Williams) to Andrews United Methodist Church to work with the Firefly Tutoring Program. Our fabulous four played games and attended afternoon Bible Study, led small groups and helped with homework. 

It’s a privilege to help refresh Snowbird’s campus, and to support existing leaders in the Andrews community. Our students were quick to volunteer and jump right in when we needed them to today. We are forever grateful…


Written by Summer Pendley, Upper School Staff

Mountain Time | When you’re at Snowbird, you march to a different beat…a slower one. It’s called mountain time (if you know, you know). Things unfold naturally. Often, there’s hours between activities. Plans are held loosely, and no one comes unglued if those plans change. 

I can’t tell you how many times students have asked - what time do we get to do this? How much time will it take? What do we get to do after? 

Coach Parker and I have learned that the answer is simply, listen for next steps. We’ve also learned that these folks are A LOT less stressed than we are. Don’t misunderstand - they care, but not enough to let it rob them of joy and peace. 

Their hearts and minds are at rest - come what may. The impact on our students is undeniable. We’ve seen them lighthearted & free. They have been attentive to each other, cheered each other on, and chased each other in the freezing night. 

They have been their true selves. They have been kids. 

MONDAYWritten by Summer Pendley, Upper School Staff

Entrusted With A Garden
Following our first nightly session at the Super Coop, students broke into small groups of three to four for discussion and questions. One question asked, "What (in your life) do you want God to restore?" 

Genesis 2:15 - God took man, placed him in a garden, and asked him to cultivate it. To keep it. To pursue it with the purpose given. What are we to do when we’re entrusted with a garden? It begins with a question - How can we prepare the soil for the things of God to flourish there?

Even more, what do we need to own first? Because what’s broken on the inside is evident on the outside. It’s reflected there! 

Students had the opportunity to discuss with each other their broken areas that need restoration. Wonderful conversations! We are having a restful, meaningful time so far at Snowbird!