His Plan | Our Time 2
A Pivotal Moment
Exciting news! North Cobb Christian School has officially launched the campaign to build the second phase of the Upper School building!
We broke ground in June 2023, and dirt is moving -- so exciting! We covet your prayers as we lean into all God has planned for our precious school, seeking to impact our students and community for Christ.
Make Your Gift
Phase 2 Virtual Tour
Phase 2 FAQs
Why two phases?
In 2017, with a growing enrollment, the NCCS Board of Directors decided that the top priority for expansion was a new Upper School facility. When originally designed with all needed components, the plan was for a 75,000 square foot building in order to give the Upper School students all of the spaces they needed, and also allow the Lower and Middle School to spread out and be situated more comfortably and developmentally appropriately in the main building. The cost for the building, however, was in excess of $20 million. Knowing that this goal was unattainable in one campaign and with a desire not to incur any long-term debt, NCCS leadership chose to divide the building into two phases.
What did we already build?
The first phase was 40,000-square-feet and was made possible through a $10 million campaign. This gorgeous facility includes 24 bright and modern classrooms, a cutting-edge STEM center with the SOAR Lab and Makeshop, and administrative and counseling offices. By God’s grace and the help of over 350 generous donors, the campaign was completed in October 2019, construction immediately began, and classes began in the building January of 2021.
What will the other 35,000 square feet feature?
This phase will complete the Upper School building and bring all daily activities (with the exception of fine arts and P.E.) into one location. There will be a large (much needed!) dining hall, science labs, and Upper School Moving Forward Program spaces. This space will be a dynamic, bustling centerpoint of daily student activity!
What will it take to make this a reality?
The campaign goal is $12 million. This is the largest endeavor we’ve undertaken in our school’s 40-year history, so we want everyone in our NCCS community to have a part in helping achieve this exciting dream for our students!
How can I get more info?
To hear more about the plans and how you can partner with NCCS in this effort, reach out to Tara Dorsey at 770.975.0252 x136 or tdorsey@ncchristian.org.
Upper School Building Phase 2
A Pivotal Moment
Event Video
Watch the video from the Pivotal Moment launch event!
HPOT2 Flipbook
His Plan Our Time | Phase I
Phase I Construction | July 2020
Development Contacts
Tara Dorsey
Development Director
Andrea Ferguson
Database + GOAL Coordinator
Kendall Johnson
Annual Fund & Alumni Coordinator
Kim Pool
Events Coordinator