Our parents, grandparents, and friends are what make North Cobb Christian School exceptional. Our students benefit exponentially from the time, talent and treasure of our amazing volunteers.
There are a number of ways to get involved, lend a hand, and enrich our school family together. From our PTF to Eagles Booster Club to Arts Council, there’s an area for everyone. We love our volunteers!
- Parent Teacher Fellowship (PTF)
- Grandparents Club
- Parent Ambassador
- Eagles Booster Club (EBC)
- Arts Alliance
- Eagles Annual Fund Committee
- Hospitality Team
- NCCS Benefit Dinner & Auction Committee
Parent Teacher Fellowship (PTF)
Grandparents Club
Parent Ambassador
Eagles Booster Club (EBC)
Arts Alliance
Eagles Annual Fund Committee
Hospitality Team
NCCS Benefit Dinner & Auction Committee
“Unquestionably, my children would not be who they are without North Cobb Christian School. Our commitment to a NCCS education has been an investment into the very minds, hearts, spirits and souls of our children. There is nothing on earth that could be a better investment.” – NCCS Parent
For general questions on volunteering and getting involved, feel free to reach out to Kendall Johnson, our volunteer coordinator.